It is possible to dramatically cut down the amount of time that it will take to get the cash advance against the pending lawsuits of yours. Yes, it will warrant you to do a little work though. You need to take a proactive role in rightly evaluating the funding request, ahead of submitting the online application. When you do it keenly with clarity by supplying the right documents well in time then you can get your lawsuit cash advance, quicker. Call us for your free evaluation now at 866-WE- FUND –U .
Cash advance is it a loan?
Legal Funding is not a loan. When awarding the Lawsuit Funding, 911lawsuitloans purchases just a portion pertaining to the proceeds of the case of yours.
What happens when I lose the case?
The major aspect by which the advance is going to be different from that of a loan is that of the mode of repayment. When you lose the case you are not going to repay anything which is the case of non-recourse Lawsuit Funding. A conventional loan is entirely different. You are to certainly repay it completely under all the circumstances and if not the pledge will be taken into the custody of the lender by all means. Such risks are not associated with the borrowing here. Lawsuit Cash Advances facilitates your easy handling of cases and at the same time you do not have any obligation to repay the loan as well, when you lose the case.
What if I win and do not get enough money to be paid back to the lenders?
Even in one such case, the remaining amount to be paid is completely waived off. You owe us nothing more. 911lawsuitloans have a different set of procedures and policies that are liked by one and all of the plaintiffs as it is all in favor of them essentially. It is where we stand out from the rest of the others in the business. We are distinguished best services for the Lawsuit Loan funding assistance. One of the most significant advantages here in availing the Lawsuit Funding is that you are not entitled to repay anything at all, on a monthly basis just like how you do in the case of the conventional loans and the insurance policies that you undertake. No fees upfront are to be paid as well.
It is pretty simple to apply for a cash advance with our firm. You may be just a phone call away from getting the funds, right now, here 866-WE- FUND –U.