Guide to Structured Settlements


For law suit cash advances under a structured settlement, generally in the context of personal injury claims arising out of road accidents, an insurance company enters an agreement to pay a predetermined sum of money to the claimant for a fixed duration of time. An annuity policy, a Court order (when the claimant is minor) an annuity application, qualified assignment, and an agreement between the parties are among the essential documents for structured settlements.

Structured settlements can be offered as a one time lump sum payment, equal installments, or varying installments as determined by the agreement. The contract guarantees such payments and is exempt from income-tax as law suit cash advances. The credentials of the annuity provider assume great importance since structured settlements are generally spread over several years.

The agreement entered under structured settlements signifies the interval between payments. Considering the date on which the payment should start, the individual beneficiary will take into account the age, monthly expenses, retirement plans and occupational hazards. It is important to know that the payment structure should remain unaltered once an agreement has been reached so that the beneficiary can enjoy the income-tax benefits. The obligations under a structured settlement can be transferred to a third party by the insurer. However, when a law suit cash advance is made to an estate, such payments can be subjected to estate tax, while being exempt from income-tax.

Structured Settlement Loans

Settlement cash advance under structured settlement loans represents a collateral wherein you guarantee repayments through a designated number of future payments. In some situations you may also be required to guarantee settlement cash advance through other assets belonging to you. However, if your settlement payments hit a roadblock, you would need to find independent means of repaying the settlement cash advance. If for any reason, you fail to meet the repayment commitments; your debt will increase and impact the credit score. The legal protection available when selling structured settlement is different from the provisions under settlement cash advance. Selling a structured settlement however does not add to your debt.

Structured Settlement Companies

When you are focused on raising lump sum cash from a structured settlement, obviously you need the best possible cash for settlement. Spending quality time to research various settlement companies and positioning yourself as an informed litigant will be of significant help in maximizing your gains. Various websites on the subject provide reviews and references and you should not hesitate speaking to someone who has had experience with the company you choose to work with. Hurrying through your decision could potentially work against your interests. When you are not looking to sell your structured settlement, be firm and never give in to enticements. Having gained enough knowledge from the internet, list out a series of questions and work with only those companies that are willing to answer all your questions. When the answers are not convincing or when some companies are not willing to answer your questions, you are better off turning to another structured settlement company to work with you on cash for settlement.


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About the author
Michael Smith is the Customer Experience Director at 911 Lawsuit Loans LLC and is responsible for client relations throughout the funding.
Author:Mike Smith